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black eye artinya

contoh kalimat "black eye"
  • I need a lot more than a black eye, pal.
    Aku butuh lebih dari mata memar.
  • It's the black eye she gave you the night before.
    Tapi dia memberikanmu ancaman malam sebelumnya.
  • No, you have a black eye. You've got into a fight?
    tidak, matamu memar. kau berkelahi?
  • Viju, who cast a black eye on you!
    Viju, siapa yang ingin memberikan mata iblis padamu!
  • How do you suppose he got that black eye there?
    Kalian kira bagaimana matanya bisa menghitam?
  • Calm yourself, or I'll remove your black eyes myself.
    atau akan kucabut sendiri mata hitammu !
  • Some people think It's the home of black eyes
    Sesetengah orang menganggap Ia adalah rumah mata hitam
  • No, I am wearing make-up because of a black eye.
    Saya makeup karena aku punya mata hitam.
  • He's got a bruised rib and a black eye.
    Tulang rusuknya memar dan matanya hitam.
  • First, Trevor comes home with a black eye.
    pertama, Trevor datang kerumah dengan mata hitam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating
    Sinonim: reverse, reversal, setback, blow,

  • a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye
    Sinonim: shiner, mouse,

  • a bad reputation; "his behavior gave the whole family a black eye"